Useful resources on Data Management Planning
Downloadable templates based on the requirements of UK Research Councils and other charitable or health funders.
A summary of requirements from the NSF, NIH and other key funders in the USA.
A list of 13 questions and associated guidance, that represent the main issues to come up in Data Management and Sharing Plans. The Checklist is used as a generic template in DMPonline, and is presented when no funder or organisational requirements are applicable for the user.
[PDF, 8 pages]
A guide by the Digital Curation Centre that outlines typical funder requirements for DMPs and the types of considerations to make when responding.
Example Data Management Plans
A selection of DMPs published in the Research Information and Outcomes journal.
[PDF, 7 pages]
A DMP submitted by a researcher from the University of Bristol, also including comments from the reviewers.
[PDF, 7 pages]
Example plans from researchers at the University of Leeds, shared as part of the Leeds RoaDMaP training materials.
5 DMPs submitted to the NSF, shared by the DataOne initiative.
Further examples are available on the .
Useful guides on Research Data Management in general
[online resource]
An online training course designed for researchers or others planning to manage digital data as part of the research process. The course includes a number of software practicals on using SPSS, R, ArcGIS and NVivo.
[PDF, 36 pages]
A guide by the UK Data Service covering a range of topics including data formats, documentation, ethics, copyright and data sharing.
[PDF, 12 pages]
A guide by the Digital Curation Centre giving practical guidelines on how to cite data and the different tools and infrastructure that can be used to support data citation.
[PDF, 16 pages]
A guide by the Digital Curation Centre that outlines different types of licenses, the pros and cons of each and how they can be applied.
[PDF, 8 pages]
A guide by ANDS and the Digital Curation Centre on how to select which data to keep for long-term preservation, sharing and reuse. The guide puts forward several criteria to aid selection decisions.